Wooden crates covered with vinyl tarp and ratchet strapped to a Honda Fit 2019 car on stands and polyethylene foams with wheel chocks, gaffers tape on the ground, instant photos and Tip ’n’ Tell shipping indicator placed on the car.
112” x 161.4” x 67”
I participated in one of Alberto Aguilar's many free curated events as part of his residency at the Chicago Humanities. This one-day exhibition showcased artists and their vehicles as installation spaces in the National Museum of Mexican Art parking lot.
My installation combined gestures from previous artworks that depict emotional distress and the compulsion to over-prepare for uncertain outcomes. These range from creating a plan to safely install an artwork to anxiously awaiting changes in immigration policies that could affect one’s life. It could also be dealing with the unexpected, for example having my car towed the night before this exhibition and navigating a bureaucratic system that exploits people.