Yes Project Space
In this exhibition, Mora focuses on material and objects to fossilize manual and administrative gestures and moments that occur in gallery work. The artworks aim to bring forth a perception of awareness to labor by uncovering layers that are meant to be hidden. Mora draws from his personal experiences as a gallery worker and immigrant to also exhibit feelings such as stress, anxiety, fear and uncertainty as he navigates through institutional spaces. By outlining and tracking an inventory, he offers a reflection of presence within complex systems.
En esta exposición, Mora se enfoca en materiales y objetos para fosilizar gestos manuales y administrativos que ocurren cuando se trabaja en galerías. El objetivo de las obras busca concientizar sobre el significado del trabajo poniendo al descubierto aspectos que están escondidos. Mora recurre a experiencias personales como inmigrante y trabajador de galerías para exponer sentimientos de estrés, ansiedad, miedo e incertidumbre al habitar espacios institucionales. Usando técnicas como delinear el espacio y recolectar materiales, Mora reflexiona sobre la presencia dentro de sistemas complejos.

“The most vulnerable members of society work to maintain, while other members of our community challenge the institution to rethink its structure through demonstration and protest. In the final week before summer, we are all asking what conditions we are willing to live with to work within an institution and how will we be changed as a result.”
- Schetauna Powell, from FNews Magazine
Read the full article visit F Newsmagazine here.
CV, 2024
White paints from 7 different arts organizations Mora has worked for, painted on the gallery wall
4 x 17.5 in
CV, 2024
Pintura blanca de siete organizaciones artísticas donde Mora ha trabajado, pintadas en la pared de la galería
10.16 x 44.45 cm
Needed, But Not Wanted and Drawn Out, 2024
Joint compound and color pencil on wooden panel
30 x 40 in
Necesitado Pero No Deseado y Rechazado, 2024
Compuesto para junta y lápiz de color sobre panel de madera
76.2 x 101.6 cm

Neither You nor I Are In Control, 2024
Gallery pedestals, acrylic sheet, ratchet straps, polyurethane foam, wire rope, swaging sleeves, turnbuckles, eye bolt, coupling nut, hex bolt, hex nut, fender washer, toggle suspended from gallery wall
40 x 61 x 12 in
Ni Tu Ni Yo Estamos En Control, 2024
Pedestales de galería, lámina acrílica, correas de trinquete, colchón de poliuretano, cable metálico, manguitos estampados, tensores, cáncamo, tuerca de acoplamiento, perno de palanca, tuerca hexagonal, arandela de defensa suspendida de la pared de la galería
101.6 x 154.94 x 30.48 cm

(Re)Define The Great Line, 2024
Painter’s tape, joint compound and tape installed then tore out from gallery wall
8 x 40 ft
(Re)Definir La Gran Línia, 2024
Cintas adhesivas y compuesto para juntas,instalada y luego arrancada de la pared de la galería
4.4284 x 12.192 m
Translations by / Traducciones por Mariana Mejia
Photo documentation by / Documentación fotográfica por Mikey Mosher